Spring Time in Israel

This is one of my favorite times of the year. The skies are blue and rainy days are becoming fewer and fewer. Yellow blossoms blanket fields all over the country and my sweaters are making plans for their summer hibernation. Can you hibernate during the summer? One of the things I love most though are […]

A Rose-Red City Half as Old as Time

I recently had the pleasure of scouting out the amazing ancient city of Petra on behalf of Erez and Milestones Israel. Now before you say anything, I realize that this site is in Jordan, not Israel but it is still very much worth the visit! We didn’t have much time so we opted for a […]

Do Something!

Nearly two weeks after our tour had ended, and after reading the words of Vicki, did I finaly understand why I had been so moved by our day together. On November 8th, 2011, I had the great privilege of guiding two of the most inspiring people I have ever met: Vicki and Fred Modell. This […]

A Cinderella Story

When Purim comes to town it is always remind me of the Cinderella story. For one day only, you can be who (or what) you want. In 1928, on the streets of Tel Aviv, the Cinderella story came to life. 16-year-old Tzipora Tzabari was born in Yemen. She came with her family to this coastal […]

A White Winter in Jerusalem

For as long as I can remember, coming to Israel meant shorts, tank-tops, bathing suits and LOTS of sunscreen. This past week, however, we’ve seen the colder side of things. After some crazy winter storms that knocked over trees, and shut down public transportation,  pictures are emerging all over the internet of our little country […]