‘Yom Keif‘ meaning ‘Fun Day’ is one of the best phrases to come out of the Hebrew language. It refers to a day in which only fun (and absolutely no responsibility) is to be had. These days, in my opinion, are the best!
Following are instructions on how to organize your own Yom Keif. For the more spontaneous, no planning is needed at all. Please note that included here are instructions for one type of Yom Keif and that nearly everything is possible as long as it doesn’t involve work. Please note, the best Yamei Keif (Fun Days) are spent with loved ones.
1. Wake up leisurely. No alarm clocks allowed. Stroll to the kitchen and make yourself a cup of coffee, tea, or whatever morning beverage floats your boat. If you are especially lucky, aforementioned loved one prepares traditional Kibbutz breakfast of toast, hard boiled eggs, fresh vegetables and labne (add olives if available).
2. Pack a backpack with towels, sun screen, fresh fruit, water and perhaps a novel. Once prepared, drive to your favorite beach. Though Israel’s coast is lined with beautiful beaches, my favorites are Habonim beach (south of Haifa), Yanai beach (north of Netanya) or Frishman beach (Tel Aviv). Enjoy an afternoon at the beach, swimming in the warm Mediterranean waters, reading under the shade of an umbrella or playing Israel’s national sport, Matkot (paddle ball).
3. No doubt tired and hungry from your time at the beach, it is time for a falafal lunch. You’re in Israel…it’s all delicious.
4. With the sun starting to set, you will want to start thinking about evening activities. My personal favorite is an air conditioned trip to the movies followed by a visit to Max Brenner’s for a rich chocolate dessert.
If you follow these 4 simple steps, you are guaranteed to have a wonderful day. If this doesn’t sound like your cup of tea, give us a call and we’ll plan the ultimate Yom Keif for you!