On a recent trip to Eilat, I had the pleasure of enjoying an adventure day in Park Timna, located a little less than 20 miles north of Eilat. This beautiful (and enormous) site offered more than enough activities for a full day of entertainment. This was ideal for a sunny escape during an otherwise cold and rainy winter. Especially as there is no way I’m stepping a toe into the Red Sea in January!
Timna, covering approximately 15,000 acres, is the site of the world’s first copper mine. Thousands of ancient mining shafts can be seen throughout the park as well as remains of smelting furnaces dating back to ancient imperial Egypt. Wondering around the park you can explore the Temple of Hathor, Solomon’s Pillars, impressive arches and rock-drawings depicting hunters of ostriches and ibexes, Egyptian battle chariots and many more.
![Exploring Park Timna Exploring Park Timna](https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/230755_696965548751_697633792_n.jpg)
Do you believe it’s January?
While exploring is certainly wonderful in this beautiful desert landscape, the real fun for me was in the adventures. Our guides set up a series of activities that were all at our disposal for the day. I borrowed a bike and explored some of the bike trails, enjoyed a bit of archery (my aim is terrible) and even got to rappel down the side of a mountain (snappeling as they call it in Hebrew). There was a zip line set up as well but I unfortunately ran out of time and didn’t get a chance to enjoy it. Following a morning packed with activities, we enjoyed a delicious lunch in the restaurant with falafel, couscous and a large variety of delicious salads while overlooking Timna Lake.
While all the activities may sound a bit extreme, rest assured that this was a very kid friendly day. This was my first visit to Park Timna and I hope it won’t be my last. I left feeling energized and refreshed, fascinated by the history, enjoying the beautiful views and knowing that there was so much I didn’t manage to see.