Whilst touring with my ulpan from Kibbutz Na’an , our group was taken on a trip to Ben Gurion’s House. Whilst we all had a little amount of knowledge on the basic background of Israel and it’s history, we knew very little about Ben Gurion, other than the airport was named after him.


We had already visited the Independence hall on a previous trip so we knew that he was an important factor in the birth of Israel. However , by visiting his house , he became a real person, and we were filled with knowledge, as it was an amazing fascinating tour filled with knowledge that appealed to each and every person on the tour which was a big mix of people from all four corners of he earth, so I would definetly recommend it to you f you are wanting to get a background knowledge of Israel’s creation.One of the highlights is that there is a room of his books, essentially his own library, filled from wall to wall with ancient books. One of my friends from the ulpan even volunteered to help the house team out by making a list of the books, however in their eyes they are very right to be saying no, as the books are in very delicate and ancient condition.

Well worth a visit, and there is even a wine shop where we got to sample some of their finest wines.

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