Tag Archives:Bar Mitzvah
Purim - From Cinderella to Queen Esther share
Two very different stories have happened in Israel over the years, both of which include 3 very similar factors- Both from Sephardi Backgrounds Both events happennd around Purim Both girls went from a quiet life to being Princesses The Facts – 1928 -Tzipora Tzabari – From a Yemiite Background Tzipora rode her donkey and cart to deliver milk to the […]
Tzfat - Down the Kabbalah Lane share
Tzfat is quite the hidden gem of Israel. With an ancient antique vibe and at every angle something else intrigues you. Little cobbled lanes are lined with art galleries that appeal to every taste and in addition to this, miniature shouk styled market stalls are lined further down Endless choices for what to keep your […]
The Evolution of Personalized Travelling share
The world of Travel and Tourism is an ever-evolving world and consistently changing to fit the travelers needs…we are constantly looking for that cutting edge factor, something a little bit different, something that stands out more , something else to tell people about back home, there is always just something extra that a traveler needs […]
Extraordinary People share
This is a story of extraordinary people. And it all began when I received an email from Jerry. He was bringing his family to Israel and wanted to plan a special trip for his twins, Evan and Emily. It was clear from the start how truly unique these two are.
Erez is a Cedar Tree share
Today is Tu b’Shevat; The 15 day of the Jewish month of Shvat , known also as the new year for trees. Planting a tress in Israel is a a Mitzvah (a good deed) that dates back to biblical times. In Leviticus 19:23, it states: “When you enter the land and plant any kind of […]
The Same but Different share
This week, Gabriel’s Bar Mitzvah ceremony allowed me to experience the uniqueness of the Jewish people in a way I could never have imagined. Last Monday was a cold and rainy day in Jerusalem. After a few sunny days and wonderful adventures throughout the country with the Jacobs family; After exploring Masada, visitng the Golani […]