Tag Archives:Queen Esther
The Esther's That Matter Most share
Growing up in Israel in the 1970’s, there were 2 Esther’s in my life. There was, of course, Queen Esther that made her grand appearance once a year during the holiday of Purim. And then there was Esther Roth Shahamorov, a legendary athlete. Both women were heroes of mine. Queen Esther of the Book of […]
A Cinderella Story share
When Purim comes to town it is always remind me of the Cinderella story. For one day only, you can be who (or what) you want. In 1928, on the streets of Tel Aviv, the Cinderella story came to life. 16-year-old Tzipora Tzabari was born in Yemen. She came with her family to this coastal […]